City of Rocky River, Ohio
Boards and Commissions
NOTE: Please consult the community calendar because meeting dates and times are subject to change.
Board of Zoning and Building Appeals
Patrick Farrell, Chairman
Richard Christ, Secretary
Christopher Wolf
Craig Wright
Kristen Martinez
Herb Harpster, Alternate
The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm in the David J. Cook Council Chambers, City Hall.
Upcoming Board of Zoning and Building Meetings
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm in the David J. Cook Council Chambers, City Hall.
William Bishop, Chairman
Michael DeMarco, Vice Chairman
David Allen
Michael Coyne
Upcoming Planning Commission Meetings
Design and Construction Board of Review
The Design and Construction Board of Review meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 5:00 pm in the David J. Cook Council Chambers, City Hall.
Steven Jennings
Kiera Szytec
Upcoming Design and Construction Board of Review Meetings
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission meetings are held as needed in the Committee Room, City Hall.
Michael P. Harvey, Chair
Anjanette Arabian-Whitman
Jim Riedl
Michael Greco, Secretary
Parks and Recreation
The Parks & Recreation Commission meets on the second Thursday of every month (with the exception of August) at 7:45am either in the Ice Rink Pavilion or Memorial Hall.
A commission of appointed members representing both Board of Education and City interests which is empowered by City Charter to plan and organize a year-round recreation program and make recommendations to City Council of the Mayor with regard to regulation of or improvements to the Park System.
Paul Shipp – City Council Representative
Kelly Frindt – Board of Education Representative
Dr. James Ulchaker – Mayor’s Appointee
Amy Massad – Commission Appointee
Joe Roszak – Board of Education Appointee