City of Rocky River, Ohio
Board of Zoning and Building Appeals
NOTE: Please consult the community calendar because meeting dates and times are subject to change. Applications are due 14 days before the meeting.
Board of Zoning and Building Appeals
Patrick Farrell, Chairman
Richard Christ, Secretary
Christopher Wolf
Craig Wright
Kristen Martinez
Herb Harpster, Alternate
The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals is responsible for hearing variance requests from projects that have received a Notice of Disapproval from the Building Department and projects that do not conform to the City Zoning Code.
The appropriate Building permit application must be submitted for the project (i.e., Building Permit Application, Fence Permit Application, Accessory Permit Application, etc.). Check for additional fees.
The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Chapter 1137 of Rocky River Codified Ordinances contains all the requirements of the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals that must be met before your plans are reviewed by the board. ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE DUE BY 4:30 PM TWO WEEKS BEFORE MEETING DATE.
You can access a Board of Zoning and Building Appeals Application online, through our CitizenServe portal. If there are any questions about the application process or the status of your application, you can call (440) 356-2139 option 4, or email dminek@rockyriverohio.gov
The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm in the David J. Cook Council Chambers, City Hall.