Rocky River Police Department

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get my car out of the impound lot?

If your car was impounded by the Rocky River Police, the following is needed for release:

  1. The tow bill must be paid in full with Kufner Towing. Kufner towing is located at 3775 Ridge Rd., Cleveland, and can be reached at 216-529-3320.

  2. The owner of the vehicle, with ID, is present at the Police Department with proof of ownership of the vehicle. The title or registration are proof of ownership. If the owner of the vehicle is unable to be present, a signed, notarized letter authorizing release of the vehicle to another person is acceptable. The owner may also come to the Police Department and grant permission in writing for another person to pick-up the car at another time.

  3. Two licensed drivers with identification must be present at the time the vehicle is released.

  4. Full payment of the administrative and storage fees to the City of Rocky River, listed in the IMPOUNDMENT section of the Vehicle Impound and Inventory Report that was provided to the driver at the time of impoundment. The fees may be paid using a Visa or Mastercard or cash, in exact change. These fees are independent of the tow bill paid at Kufner Towing. Storage charges begin accumulating immediately.

  5. If the vehicle was impounded for a registration violation, current license plates and registration are required.

  6. If the vehicle or license plates were seized, a Journal Entry from the Rocky River Municipal Court authorizing release is required in addition to the above requirements. The seizure will be indicated on the IMPOUNDMENT section of the Vehicle Impoundment and Inventory Report and includes the section of the Ohio Revised Code authorizing the seizure.

  7. If the Rocky River Municipal Court has ordered the immobilization of the vehicle, contact the Rocky River Police Department at 440-331-1234 for additional instructions.

All vehicles left for over thirty (30) days are subject to disposal according to law. 

How can I file a police report?

Generally, a police report should be taken in person by a police officer. Rocky River Police will respond to your home or place of business within the City for this purpose, or you may come to the Police Department to speak with an officer. 

If you live or work outside the City of Rocky River and are unable to get to the Police Department, please call 440-331-1234 for assistance. 

How can I give a compliment to or file a complaint against a Police Officer?

The members of the Rocky River Police Department value the support and confidence of the public in our ability to provide police services. Our efforts depend on a working partnership with the community we serve.

We are always happy to hear about the good work of Police Department personnel! To let us know about your positive experience, please call 440-331-1234 and ask for the Chief of Police, send us an email by clicking here, or mail a letter to:

Chief of Police
Rocky River Police Department
21012 Hilliard Blvd.
Rocky River, Ohio 44116

We take seriously any allegation of misconduct or illegal activity by our personnel. When problems of this nature arise, it is our goal to resolve them quickly and courteously pursuant to Department Policy and Ohio law.

A person interested in filing a personnel complaint may speak with the accused employee’s immediate supervisor. A personnel complaint may be filed by completing the Personnel Complaint Form. Anonymous and third-party complaints will be accepted and investigated to the extent that sufficient information is provided. Allegations of criminal misconduct will be investigated separately from an administrative investigation and the Department has the discretion to request assistance from an outside law enforcement agency.

The Chief of Police or his or her designee will notify the complainant of the findings of the investigation within thirty days of its completion.

To file a complaint, please call 440-331-1234 or come to the Police Department to speak with a supervisor.

How can I check to see if I or someone I know has an arrest warrant from the Rocky River Police?

Arrest warrants are issued by the Rocky River Municipal Court. You can check the Public Access section of the Court website to see if you have a warrant from the Cities of Bay Village, Fairview Park, North Olmsted, Rocky River, and Westlake. 

Click here to go to the Rocky River Municipal Court website and click the Public Access tab near the top of the page. 

How can I request a copy of a report? 

Police reports and motor vehicle accident reports are available online by clicking the links below. Online police reports do not include investigative or other information that may be detrimental to ongoing investigations or have victim/public privacy implications. If there are documents not posted online that you would like to obtain, call the Police Department at 440-331-1234.

Click here for Rocky River Police Department Incident Reports

Click here for Rocky River Motor Vehicle Accident Reports

What is Rocky River's overnight parking law?

The City of Rocky River Codified Ordinance 351.16 prohibits parking on City streets between 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM.  

If you have an exigent circumstance that requires parking a vehicle on a City street overnight, please call the Rocky River Police Department at 440-331-1234 for consideration. Generally, temporary, short term permission will be granted if you have guests and do not have room in your driveway or your driveway is undergoing construction.  

What is Rocky River's snow emergency parking ban?

The City of Rocky River Codified Ordinance 351.19 prohibits parking on public streets during a snow emergency parking ban. 

The snow emergency parking ban goes into effect when there is a depth of two inches or more of snow accumulation within a twenty-four hour period. During that time, street parking is banned on any City street or City parking lots for longer than five minutes for the actual loading or unloading of passengers, property, or goods and provided the operator of such vehicle is immediately available and provided no other parking ordinance is being violated. 

Any vehicle parked in violation of this section may be impounded by the City at the owner's expense and/or a parking citation issued. 

What are Rocky River's juvenile curfew laws?

The City of Rocky River Codified Ordinance 509.11 prohibits children under the age of fourteen years from being upon the streets or sidewalks of the City between 11:00 PM and 4:00 AM. Children fourteen years of age or over but under the age of eighteen may not be upon the public streets or sidewalks between 12:00 midnight and 4:00 AM. 

Curfew does not apply to children accompanied by a parent or guardian or where the child is on an emergency errand or legitimate business directed by the parent or guardian.

Drive sober or get pulled over
Click it or ticket, day and night

Rocky River Police Department
21012 Hilliard Blvd.
Rocky River, OH 44116

Emergency: Dial 911
Non-emergency phone: (440) 331-1234
Animal Control: (440) 356-5636