City of Rocky River, Ohio
Rocky River Service Department
Contact the Service Department
440 356-5630
Visit us on Facebook
Refuse Collection
The City of Rocky River is divided into five sections and each section has a regular refuse collection day each week. If you are interested in knowing the pick-up day in your area, contact the Service Department at 440-356-5630.
Rocky River Recycles
Since 1990, Rocky River has had in place a very successful, voluntary recycling program. Over 70% of all Rocky River residents participate in Rocky River recycling.
Leaf Collection
In the fall, leaves may be raked to the tree lawn where they are picked up by leaf machines and City crews on a regular basis.
Rocky River maintains a fully-staffed Sewer Department that maintains and cleans all city sewers, both storm and sanitary.
Arborist’s Corner
Welcome to the Arborist’s Corner! This is the new home of information regarding the urban forest within the City of Rocky River. We will post updates on the efforts of our City Forester, interesting tidbits regarding trees, and spotlight new species that you may incorporate in your home landscape.