City of Rocky River, Ohio
Parks and Outdoor Spaces
Bates Tot Lot
711 Bates Road
City Hall Park
21012 Hilliard Blvd.
Linden Park
3600 Linden Road
Bradstreet’s Landing
22400 Lake Road
Elmwood Park
600 Elmwood Road
Martin Park
3900 Kings Mill Run
Middle School/
Library Tot Lot
South of Library Parking Lot
Morley Park
South end of Jameston Road
Rocky River Park
20250 Beachcliff Blvd.
Tri City Park
3640 Delmar Drive
City Park Policies
Parks are open from dawn to dusk, daily.
Spaces are first come- first serve unless otherwise noted/permit issued.
Alcohol is prohibited in all city parks.
Smoking or tobacco use is not permitted on city grounds.
Dogs must be kept on a 6’ leash while in city parks.
Tennis/Pickleball Courts are to be used on a first come- first serve basis. Please allow participants to ‘play-in’ as matches end.
Recreation programming takes priority over informal use of spaces.
Not for profit or exchange of funds programming may not be conducted without approval for the Recreation Department. Authorization is required for group programming.
Rocky River Park & Linden Park Restrooms operate year round. Others will close no later than November 1st of each year.