Frequently Asked Questions
Rocky River City Hall Complex is located on the corner of Hilliard Blvd. and Wagar Rd. The addresses are as follows:
City Hall - 21012 Hilliard Blvd.
Police Department - 21012 Hilliard Blvd
Fire Department - 21012 Hilliard Blvd.
Senior Center - 21014 Hilliard Blvd.
Don Umerley Civic Center/Memorial Hall - 21016 Hilliard Blvd.
Recreation Department - 21018 Hilliard Blvd.
Rocky River Municipal Court - 21012 Hilliard Blvd.
From Interstate 90 eastbound:
Exit at Detroit Rd. Rocky River Exit - stay in the right lane
Turn left at the traffic signal onto Detroit Rd.
Take Detroit Rd. to Westway Dr. (approximately 500 ft.)
Turn right onto Westway and continue east until you reach
Wagar Rd. - turn right onto Wagar. City Hall is on the right at the intersection of Hilliard Blvd. and Wagar Rd.
From Interstate 90 westbound:
Exit at Rocky River Hilliard Blvd. Exit - stay in the center lane and continue west on Hilliard until you reach the intersection of Hilliard Blvd. and Wagar Rd.
Just past the intersection you will turn right at the first driveway on the right
From Interstate 480 westbound:
Exit at Clague Rd. - turn right onto Clague Rd. and travel north until you reach Hilliard Blvd.
Turn right onto Hilliard, travel east approximately 1 1/2 miles
Turn left into the City Hall parking lot just before you reach the intersection of Wagar and Hilliard.
From Interstate 480 eastbound:
Exit at Great Northern Blvd. And travel north until you reach Lorain Rd.,
Turn right onto Lorain and travel east until you reach Clague Rd. - turn left onto Clague Rd
Travel north until you reach Hilliard Blvd.
Turn right onto Hilliard, travel east approximately 1 1/2 miles
Turn left into the City Hall parking lot just before you reach the intersection of Wagar and Hilliard.
The main number for Rocky River City Hall is (440) 331-0600.
The phone number for the courthouse is (440) 333-0066. Their website is www.rrcourt.net
City Council members, contact information, meeting schedules and meeting minutes can be found here.
Marriages are performed by the judges in our municipal courts. Please contact them at (440) 333-0066.
For food donations, please contact the Rocky River Assistance Program at (216) 556-5887.
Rocky River does not have their own Water Department. Our water and its related issues are all handled by the City of Cleveland Department of Water. They can be reached by calling (216) 664-3060. Rocky River does maintain its own sewer lines and the billing thereof.
The Mayor's Office can provide more detailed information if required at (440) 331-0600 between 8:30 am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. If residents want to contact NOPEC directly, they can do so by calling 855-667-3201.
Openings for positions will be posted on this website. Please visit the Human Resources / Employment page.
Cleveland Hopkins Airport Noise Monitoring
Click here to register and file airport noise complaints directly with Cleveland Hopkins Airport -
The Illuminating Company stresses the importance of calling the company's "hot lines" in the event of a power outage.
The numbers are: 1 800 589-3101 or 1-888 LIGHTSS(544-4877)
Although this is an automatic recording system, the location of the caller will be captured by computer, and this will help CEI pinpoint the problem. Keep this information near your home phone, you are encouraged to use it.
Important Links for Outage Information