City of Rocky River, Ohio
Planning Commission
NOTE: Please consult the community calendar because meeting dates and times are subject to change. Applications are due 14 days before the meeting.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm in the David J. Cook Council Chambers, City Hall.
William Bishop, Chairman
Michael DeMarco, Vice Chairman
David Allen
Michael Coyne
The Planning Commission is responsible for the long-range planning of the City to ensure its orderly and harmonious development. The Planning Commission hears submissions relating to, but not limited to:
Minor Sub-Division
Lot Consolidation/ Lot Split
Planned Development
Similar Use
Conditional Use
Historic Designation
Parking Plan Review
Outdoor Dining Renewal
Use Variance
Change of Use Type
The appropriate Building permit application must be submitted for the project (i.e., Building Permit Application, Occupancy Permit Application, etc.). Check for additional fees.
The Planning Commission meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Chapter 1137 of Rocky River Codified Ordinances contains all the requirements of the Planning Commission that must be met before your plans are reviewed by the commission. ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE DUE BY 4:30 PM TWO WEEKS BEFORE MEETING DATE.
You can access a Planning Commission Application online, through our CitizenServe portal. If there are any questions about the application process or the status of your application, you can call (440) 356-2139 option 4, or email dminek@rockyriverohio.gov