City of Rocky River, Ohio
Rocky River Recycles
Blue Bag Recycling
Since 1990, Rocky River has had in place a very successful, voluntary recycling program. Over 70% of all Rocky River residents participate in Rocky River recycling.
As of January 12, 2021, some local recycling processors are accepting plastic tubs for recycling. What is a plastic tub? A plastic tub is an open-top circular, oblong or square container. It may have an unattached snap-on lid or cover. An example of a plastic tub is butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, dairy or whipped topping, or fruit and yogurt cups. Tubs must be empty, clean and dry before being recycled.
Cardboard for recycling
As of January 12, 2015 in an effort to create greater efficiencies in the refuse collection system, the City of Rocky River will only collect cardboard for recycling if it is placed in a blue bag on your regularly scheduled refuse day. Cardboard that is loose near your refuse (not in a blue bag) will not be collected. Cardboard may be taken to the Service Garage at 22401 Lake Road or to City Hall (21012 Hilliard Blvd. – between the Senior Center and Civic Center) and recycled in the River Valley yellow and green bins. Each River Valley (green and yellow) bin will accept cardboard and all paper (included shredded paper).
The City will continue efforts to place more bins throughout the City in order to offer convenience for everyone’s cardboard and all paper recycling needs
Yard Waste Recycling
In an effort to reduce the amount of yard waste in landfills, Rocky River has implemented a yard waste recycling program. Together with its neighbors Lakewood, Fairview Park, Westlake and Bay Village wood grinding equipment has been purchased that allows each community to mulch and compost all yard waste, brush, grass clippings, leaves, Christmas trees, etc. into compost which can be returned to the soil. (Please Note: No outside burning of leaves and other waste is permitted and home incinerators are no longer permitted.
The following outlines how yard waste materials are to be handled and collected.
Yard Waste Disposal
All yard waste disposed of by residents must be placed in biodegradable bags commonly referred to as natural kraft paper bags which are available in most local stores. These bags should be placed on the tree lawn on collection day. Do not place them with rubbish and blue bags. In addition, brush, branches, etc. should also be placed on the tree lawn for pick-up on your regular collection day. A special truck will pick up all brush, grass clippings and other yard waste, all of which will be mulched and composted for refuse by residents and landscapers.
All vegetation not disposed of in the manner described above may be refused by City pick-up crews.
Grass Recycling
Grass recycling takes place when you leave mowed clippings on the lawn, allowing them to return to the soil. This process improves lawn quality and does not cause thatch. No special equipment is needed to grass recycle, although many manufacturers offer grass recycling mowers and attachments.
Grass recycling is the single most cost effective method of dealing with grass clippings and makes a major contribution toward conserving landfill space and easing the financial burden of the landfill spaces.
Compost piles are permitted in the City of Rocky River under the following conditions.
Compostable material shall consist of any organic yard waste or fruit and vegetable waste. The following materials are prohibited: meat products, dairy products, food oils, and animal wastes.
All composting systems shall:
(1) Not be visible from the public right-of-way.
(2) Not be stored in the front yard or side yard setbacks.
(3) Not create a health or safety, or not be a public or private nuisance, or be operated in a manner so as not to create foul odors, or attract vermin or insects.
(4) Be permitted to be stored fifteen (15) feet from rear property lines if the compost material is comprised of organic yard waste only and enclosed by a barrier not to exceed four feet (4') in height.
(5) Be permitted to be stored five (5) feet from the rear property line, if the compost material is stored in an enclosed commercial grade compost bin.
(6) In no instance shall any compost pile or bin be located within thirty (30) feet of a residential dwelling on any adjoining lot.
(7) Not be in excess of one percent (1%) of the square foot of the lot or seventy-five (75) square feet, whichever is less.
(8) Not impede any natural water course or drainage runoff from property or any adjoining property.
Pass It On
A Resource-Full Guide to Donation Usable Stuff from the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste Management District